The Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Pension Fund provides you with valuable life cover and financial protection for your family. These are the benefits payable if you were to die whilst a deferred member after leaving the Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Pension Fund, but before your pension is paid.
The benefits that may be payable depend on when you left:
Lump sum death grant
If you left the LGPS on or after 1 April 2008
A lump sum of 5 times your deferred annual pension will be payable.
If you left the LGPS before 1 April 2008
A lump sum of 3 times your deferred annual pension will be payable.
However, if you die as a deferred member and you also have active benefits, the death grant payable will be the higher of:
- A lump sum death grant of 5 times (or, if you left before 1 April 2008, 3 times) your deferred annual pension, or
- three times your assumed pensionable pay in your active employment
This provides a notional pensionable pay figure to ensure your pension is not affected by any reduction in pensionable pay due to a period of sickness or injury on reduced contractual pay or no pay, or relevant child related leave or reserve forces service leave.
To see how this works refer to the section Absent from work.
Assumed pensionable pay is also used to work out any enhancement to your pension awarded as a result of ill health retirement, any lump sum death grant following death in service, and any enhancement which is included in survivor benefits following death in service.
If you hold more than one deferred benefit in the LGPS (provided you are not also an active member of the LGPS when you die) a death grant will be payable from each deferred benefit, calculated as above.
If you paid Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) arranged through the in-house AVCs, the value of your AVC fund is also payable.
You are able to nominate an individual(s) or even an institution(s) to receive the payment of your death grant. To make a nomination you will need to complete a Death Nomination Form. Please remember to keep your Death Grant Nomination Form up to date to ensure your benefits are paid to the correct person. If you have not completed a Death Grant Nomination Form, payment of the death grant will normally be made to your Estate or Personal Representatives.
The Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Pension Fund has absolute discretion as to whom it pays your death grant to. In the event of a dispute, the payment will be made to your Estate or Personal Representatives.
Survivors Benefits
A pension is payable to your spouse, registered civil partner or eligible cohabiting partner (subject to certain conditions and scheme membership after 1 April 2008).
Find out more information about your survivor’s pension
You can also find out more information about your children’s pension .
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