The Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) provides protection for your family should you die.
Your spouse or registered civil partner will receive an annual pension payable for life, plus there is also an automatic death grant payable in the event of your death.
Completing a Death Grant Nomination Form will allow you to nominate one or more individuals or organisations to receive payment of the death grant.
If you have not completed a Death Grant Nomination Form the payment will be made to your Estate / Personal Representatives, but payment could take longer.
We will always try to pay your Death Grant to the person(s) nominated, however, we are not legally bound by the nomination and Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Pension Fund has absolute discretion how your Death Grant is paid.
Please remember to keep your Death Grant Nomination Form up to date at all times.
For further details about pension benefits payable please see the Councillor Guide (PDF) .
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