If you are a Councillor within Wales, and under age 75, you will be sent a letter inviting you to join the Pension Scheme.
When you receive your invite letter, you just need to confirm in writing you want to join the Pension Scheme. If you decide to join the Scheme you will need to complete an opt in form to become a member of the LGPS. When we receive your opt in form, your membership will start from the next pay date, and we will write and confirm you are a member of the Scheme. Please check pension contributions are being deducted from your allowance payments.
If you die as a member of this scheme, death benefits will be payable. You can complete a Death Grant Nomination Form to nominate who you would like to receive these payments.
Pensions Advisory Service
Government service offering free, impartial guidance about pensions.
What’s available?
Online information and tools, online chat, telephone helpline, personal appointments.
If you have any questions relating to your personal tax or National Insurance in relation to your pension you can find information here.
Got a question?
Request a document in an accessible format.