The Local Government Association (LGA) provides pensions information on the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS).
They have a website which has all the technical and legal information about the LGPS 2014 for Employers and Administering Authorities. The site also contains the Scheme Regulations and all supplementary guidance.
Please visit the LGA website to access all this information.
The LGA also issue regular Bulletins and Circulars to disclose any regulatory changes and guidance. You can view these updates on the website.
If you have any questions in relation to any of the information on the LGA Regulations website, please contact us.
Local Government Pension Scheme
Visit the LGPS website for more details about your pension and use online tools to help you calculate your pension contributions or work out approximately how much your pension will be at retirement.
Money and Pensions Service
Government service offering free, impartial guidance about pensions.
What’s available?
Online information and tools, online chat, telephone helpline, personal appointments.
Got a question?
Get in touch with us
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